Meme Awards Premiere Meme Awards Premiere

Compete In A
NFT Competition

Upload Your Memes/Videos

Stream Meme Awards Stream Meme Awards

First Award Show Airs/Ends

November 1st

Award Show Is Hosted Live Every Friday @ 3pm EST on

Collect The Internet

Browse & Buy Viral Memes on The Internet Right From The Creator

What are the Mene Awards What are the Mene Awards
Your Chance To Be Minted As The NFT Of the Week

What Are The Meme Awards?

Each Week, A Contest is Held For the Best Memes & Viral Content on the Internet . We give creators a way to NFT their content and sell it on the open ETH blockchain.

Anyone can register and vote for the best creations of the week.

LIVE Streamed NFT Awards

Every Friday at 3pm EST Starting From October 1st, 2021

Live Stream Will Begin On October 1st 2021

A NEW WAY For Influencers & Creators to Earn Money

Through Competing Their Work in an NFT Competition

We are changing the way content creators publish content

Right now, when a creator uploads their work to tiktok, instagram, twitter they are not earning direct review from their work. Imagine turning all of your posts into an NFT for people to purhcase.

Collect The Internet

Become a collector of Viral NFTs


Are You A Meme Creator?

Start Your Account & Win The Meme Of the Week Award

Meet Some of Our Creators

  • Creator
  • Creator
  • Creator
  • Creator
  • Creator
  • Creator
  • Creator
  • Creator

Ready To Vote For The Best New Releases On The Internet?